About us
Sarphati Amsterdam
The organisation
Sarphati Amsterdam brings together expertise from various organisations. Participating organisations include the City of Amsterdam (the GGD), the Amsterdam University Medical Center (AMC and VUmc locations), Vrije Universiteit (VU), University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA). This is reflected in the way we manage our organisation.
The management is made up of a Governing Board that includes all partners, a management board, and the Sarphati Amsterdam operational team. There is also Sarphati Community, a network that facilitates contact between researchers and practitioners.
The Governing Board consists of the alderman responsible for the Health and Social Development and Public Health and Prevention portfolios, and the directors of the knowledge institutions. The Governing Board sets the strategic and financial frameworks, monitors the implementation of the strategy, and approves items such as the annual plan and the budget.
The management board and the Sarphati Amsterdam operational team are responsible for implementing the strategy, data collection, data management, the entire organisation based around these tasks, and communications. The management board is accountable to the Governing Board.
In addition to the cohort, there is also Sarphati Community, a network that facilitates knowledge sharing, promotes the use of the Sarphati Cohort, and connects a variety of parties. At each knowledge institution, a coordinator has been appointed to be the first point of contact. Together with the management board and the Sarphati team, the coordinators are responsible for carrying out all activities including the organisation of various meetings.
Code of conduct