We want to contribute to a good and healthy future for all Amsterdam children. Based on this desire, we established ‘Sarphati Amsterdam, research for healthy living’ in 2018. Located in Amsterdam, this unique scientific research institute is a partnership in which the Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD) and the Amsterdam knowledge institutions (UvA, the AMC and VUmc locations of Amsterdam UMC, VU and HvA) carry out innovative, multidisciplinary research together.
The Sarphati Amsterdam mission is to perform long-term research that contributes to healthy growth and development, and optimal living conditions for young Amsterdam residents. This forms the foundation for preventing health problems among current and future generations. Our organisation contributes to establishing this foundation by means of research projects and programmes, the results of which are then translated into practical tools for policy and practice. Together we are striving to achieve better health and reduce health disparities among all Amsterdam residents.
For this purpose, a large study among Amsterdam children was started in 2018: the Sarphati Cohort – one of the larger studies on this subject. In addition, a new sub-study named ‘AIMS’ commenced in 2019.
Sarphati Cohort: research into growth and develhttps://www.sarphaticohort.nl/opment
The Sarphati Cohort conducts research into the growth and development of Amsterdam children aged from 0 to 18 years. All Amsterdam children are known to the Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD) and receive care through Child Health Services (JGZ) and the Amsterdam Health Foundation Healthcare Development (SAG Zorgontwikkeling). The Parent and Child Team (OKT) or another health centre provides this care. The JGZ and SAG Zorgontwikkeling are responsible for managing the growth and development data. The information gathered by means of consultations, age-specific surveys and the sub-cohort studies provides valuable insights into the health of growing children. This helps to give us a clearer idea of what is necessary for promoting children’s health.
AIMS: research into the influence of microbiome development on the occurrence of diseases of affluence
The goal of the Amsterdam Infant Microbiome Study (AIMS) is to examine how microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses develop on and within the bodies of young children. The microbiome is the collective name for all these microorganisms. We are also investigating the influence of the microbiome on the onset of health problems such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and oral health problems.
This will enable us to provide data needed to help Amsterdam children grow up healthier.
We work closely with researchers from different fields, so that we can provide knowledge and information relevant to policy and practice professionals. To do so, we use JGZ data; age-specific surveys and sub-cohorts among specific groups. This helps us to unite policy, practice and research to create solutions that contribute to the good health of Amsterdam children. Our methods involve both close collaboration as knowledge institutions, and collaboration with other youth healthcare practice professionals who work on a daily basis on behalf of the health of all Amsterdam children. All of the knowledge and insights we gain contribute to healthcare that meets the needs of all Amsterdam residents.